Camera Critters is a weekly meme brought to you by
Misty if you would like to see more critters or join in yourself just click on the logo.I haven't been able to catch any pictures of the critters who live outside my house so I thought I would share with you the ones who live inside my house.

The first one here is our dog
Max he has his own blog where he talks about his life and adventures if you want to stop by and read it.But in case you don't we adopted Max from the pound when he was 12 weeks old.He was an abused animal so it took a lot of effort to get him to trust us. After all the trust issues were resolved and he knew that we loved him he has become the best dog in the whole world.We have had Max for almost 9 years.

This is our fish when we got him he was the size of a quarter and I was told he was a vegetarian but guess what according to the fish that used to live in the tank with him he eats meat.... And since eating all the other fish in the tank he is the size of a honeydew melon.

This is our guinea pig Alphfa she is the sweetest little thing ever the easter bunny brought her to us 4 almost 5 years years ago. Imagine being a little kid and seeing such a face sitting in your easter basket. Way to go easter bunny......

This is my cat Stinky I say my cat because he doesn't like anyone in the house but me. I found Stinky living on the streets when he was just a baby maybe 8 or 9 weeks old and brought him home cleaned him up and we have been together ever since.Stinky is now 7 years old he looks good for his age no?

Last but by no means least is Beauty he is the class clown of the house and the resident trouble maker. When hubby picked him out of his litter he was the runt. He now weighs about 10 lbs we have had him for about 6 years and we thought he was a girl that is why he was named Beauty.But one day I was rubbing his belly and something popped up and hello guess what Beauty is not a girl.lol
So these are the critters who live in our house and we love each and every one of them.
What do Max, Stinky and Beauty think of guinea pig? Or are they not allowed to get too close? I have no words for fish. A canibal fish!
Life must surely be busy in your home! Lovely residents.
I had to smile at 'ask the fish who used to live in the tank' - too cute!
my son lives in Winston Salem works in Mocksville and a slew of friends out Waynesville Fletcher Way ... that dog Max looks just like another blogging friend and hers has a blog too. Azzitizz is her blog name ..Deja Vu ish Sandy
lots of critters at ur home :D
My CC post this week in HERE. Hope you have time to visit. Thanks.
Lots of lovely critters at your house. That fish is huge oh my goodness. Sweet post. Max is so cute and what a precious story, glad to hear you rescued him and he has a terrific home now.
They are all awesome! You had me laughing about the vegetarian fish and Beauty not being a girl hehe
Your critters are all cute and how great to give Max a loving home!
You have quite a menagerie! :-)
What a full house you have. All are beautiful.
Your home critters are really adorable. Love the Guinea Pig! Do the cats bother him? Take Care!!
Girl what kinda fish is that??It looks like a piranha!!!
I love your guinea pig!He's so darn cute!
Nice set of pics hon!;)
That's quite a menagerie you have there! I loved the photos and the captions. Wonderful post! Lol!
lol..dadburn Tina, ya'll got a zoo over there!!
I can't have pets. The boss is allergic to them...
Awww!!! They're all great - love it!
What kind of fish is that? Our turtle ate all the fish in our fish tank.
Oh my goodness. You have a menegerie of animals. That is truly wonderful!
Tina: I do love your Piranna, you knew I would.
Must be a busy household. A piranha?Scary.
Lovely all those animals and great that you actually rescued Max and Stinky!
Nice variety.
Great photos. We use to have quite the zoo, too, but are at a stage in life where I can't take care of everything. Now we just have our kids' pets - Aphrodite and the evil Darth Mittens.
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