This is my son's version of cleaning his room. He took everything that was littered on the floor and stuck it into his closet. See that big thing with the smiley face on it? Well once I moved that a ton of toys, clothes and junk fell on my feet. I had decided to rearrange his room and wanted to put things in the closet so when I opened the doors this disaster was waiting for me.
He had the nerve to tell me yesterday that he had cleaned up his room well technically he did but he put it all in no order into his closet. Are ya kidding me? Somebody is in trouble......
Hee hee! My 7 year old tried to hide clothes he didn't want to put away under the couch cushions of the sectional in the media room just adjacent to his bedroom--needless to say, we were able to figure out his little plot...
thats funny! did he really think you wouldnt notice! kids ay lol!
tina: I always say 'Kids will be kids.' and it's up to you to get them going in the right direction. You now have the picture to use for training.
Oh my! That looks like something that my nieces and nephew do when they are told to clean up their room. I have learned to look under the bed also. lol
Wait....do we have the same kid...lol....all of mine are the same way....can drive me insane sometimes...how hard is it to clean...errr...lol :)
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