I want to say thank you to all my lovely friends who wished me well with my aching back. I am feeling better today so hopefully I can get some stuff done around the house. It stinks when you are not able to do anything but lay down. But the worst thing is being able to finally get up and have to clean the mess that the kids left for me for the 3 days I was incapacitated.

Beauty really wanted his picture taken as soon as I got the camera out he was all up in my face.
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Well, I'm a day late and a dollar short...as usual.
Glad to hear your back is doing better girl!
Now, you may continue sweeping and vacuuming... ;)
Glad to hear you are feeling better! What a ham of a kitty ;) cute!
I'm happy that your feeling better! I'll be over to help you clean in a bit. ;o)
Pleased to hear your back is better ..... oh and thats a great looking pussy you have there ;)
Glad you feeling better!!!
Yep, come grab your linky love!
Also, if you don't care e-mail me your e-mail I can never reply to your post... And if you don't give it out I swear I won't be offended just let me know.
So, your cat is a camera hog? That makes him a piggy kitty.
Glad you are feeling better. Nothing much worse than an aching back. I've had my share.
that blows when your ill doesent it. no one does the sodding chores, then you got extra work to do when your feeling better :(
glad your ok now
Ugg sorry to hear you threw your back out..I hate when that happens..usually it is my neck that is messed up....makes me cringe just thinking about that pain....
Love the pic of your cat...Hope you feel 100% pain free soon!!:)
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