
Camera Critters

Camera Critters is a weekly meme brought to you by the lovely Misty to see more critters or play along click on the logo above.

Hubby took this picture of the hopper lastnight thank goodness he did cause I was out of critter photos.


ratmammy said...

lucky you! haha! He made your weekend!

Reader Wil said...

Was it a cricket or grasshopper? Anyway it hops!! Actually I don't know the difference! Have a great weekend!

Rhea said...

cute, cute! I don't mind seeing one or two of those, but when they're in big groups, I freak out.

Grammy said...

How cute is that a car it is on?
Happy holidays.

Jane Hards Photography said...

Not your usual critter, but a great catch.

Shonda Little said...

I was also curious about the car. What make and model is it?

Tina said...

hes a nice one. i like grass hoppers.

how is cassies realm going? i see its not on your profile anymore

Misty DawnS said...

WOW! I WISH I had bugs here still... but, with negative temperatures, that isn't going to happen for a long time. I love this pic - way to go Hubby!!!

Sandra Carvalho said...

I hate bugs!Arghhh!...I rather have to deal with any sort of reptiles than bugs.....

Toni said...

Hello grasshopper!