
Meet My Friends Monday

Toni over at It Is Nap Time has come up with this cool meme to introduce your blogging friends to other bloggers. If you would like more details visit her blog.

Today I would like to introduce you to Octamom

I am not quite sure how I found her site but I sure am glad I did she is an awesome writer I am blown away with the way she writes. Not to mention how blown away I am that she even finds the time to do it with 8 yes I said 8 kids.

There are many things I admire her for her writing being one. I think the thing I admire her for the most is her patience I get flustered having 2 kids I couldn't imagine adding 6 more. My hat is off to her and I sing her praises.

When Octamom talks about her kids in her posts she refers to them as numbers for example 4 of 8 is her daughter recently she had to have surgery on her foot.Octamom took us through that journey with them and added some humor to the situation. Like when the cast need to be made bigger to relieve the pressure. I for one would not have known what to do but never fear Octamom is here. She came up with the most ingenious invention to make a shim out of Lego's yes you heard right I said Lego's you can read about it here.

Today I find out I have another thing to admire her for she sings...She has a link to a song she sang and her voice is lovely you should have a listen. Gee is there nothing this woman can't do? lol

Please don't take my word for it about how talented she is as a writer or how she manages to write a blog and raise 8 kids go to her place and see for yourself you won't be disappointed.


Toni said...

Great pick! I love to read her stuff and also look at her pictures! Thanks again for participating!

Mom Knows Everything said...

We have a lot of the same blogging friends, but this is one I don't know.

Tina said...

what a nice post about your friend! im late with mine, ill get it up tmrw cause its 12.45am here now :0