
Week End Wrapup

Where do I start? Oh I know I spent the weekend with hubby it was nice. We went to the talent show at my daughters school on Friday night.It was a blast seeing all those k-5th graders singing and dancing.The best was my daughter of course.... I don't have any pictures or video cause it was just to darn loud with all the audience members. Don't they know it is rude to talk while my kid is on stage. Or any other kids for that matter.

Saturday my daughter had a friend come over for her birthday they had so much fun. They got to decorate cupcakes and blow bubbles. They played dress up and did each others makeup and hair I am so glad she had fun.

Sunday we spent watching movies and hubby made homemade pizza.Have I mentioned that hubby is the BEST pizza maker ever? Well he really is so much so that our neighbor wants to open a pizza shop for hubby to make his pizza. Oh that would be a dream to have our own pizza place.

Hubby left this morning for Alaska he will be gone for 2 weeks :( stinks for us...

Oh yeah Tammy he will be passing through so if you wanna hitch a ride to come visit me just let me know. I will make some coffee for you


~~Mel~~ said...

Sounds like an exciting and fun weekend!

carrhop said...

2 weeks in Alaska? Wow! Hang in there, girl!

Sounds like you had a great weekend!


Diane said...

eeeek! i'd not be happy if my man was leaving for 2 weeks.. sorry to hear that!

sounds like you had a nice weekend though!

Mom Knows Everything said...

Just let me know when to be ready! I take double double in my coffee. ;o)

Sandra Carvalho said...

Can I join Tam on her way to see ya???LOL!