
To Throw Or not To Throw? That Is The Question

I chose not to throw but I must say "Computer problems suck the big wet one" and today I had my fill. I was so mad, frustrated and down right pissed off... I tried for quite some time to go to visit my favorite blogs some of them I made it to and others refused to load. Finally after almost throwing the damn computer out the window I restored it back to factory.

I did get to download my music to my mp3 player and got most of my pictures onto Picassa but some of my files I couldn't save. My computer had completely froze up on me and I really had no choice. Oh well I guess you have to give a little to get a little what did I give well I gave some important files the boot and in return I have a computer that is running like NEW....

I have been here for quite some time getting all of my favorite places to visit into my firefox history like my Facebook page and my blogger account and last but not least some of my favorite blogs. I have not been to all of you butI will be there eventually so be on the lookout for me.

I must say I would recommend to all of you if your computer is acting a fool like mine was andyou are ready to toss it out of a ten story window STOP don't do it just bring that baby back to factory and she will be purring like a kitten once again. The only down side to this is trying to remember all the places you liked to visit maybe you should write them all down before you do it.Don't be like me driving myself insane trying to think where was that place again that had all the pictures of the hott dudes? JK I remember where it was and I am on my way there now see ya...


Diane said...

i've been trying to get all my faves into delicious just in case! cuz it really sucks losing all your stuff!

glad you're back and free of issues now though!!

Mom Knows Everything said...

If it happens again you can save the bookmarks file and the restore it when you get it back...or ask them to do it for you. I learned the hard way with that one.

~~Mel~~ said...

I'm a thrower! lol. I'm glad you seem to have everything back up and running again.

Kmommy said...

Glad you decided not to throw and got it all worked out! I hate computer issues!! Grrr.