I have a few of my own!...How about that relative that shows up to every single family gathering or celebration?The one who you can barely look at?The one that doesn't shut up from the moment she/he gets in to the moment she/he goes out...The one that keeps on gasping and badmouthing everyone and everybody, when you know that her/his life is an absolute mess!?...And if that someone is very close (I mean, REALLY CLOSE!) to your mother in law,so you know that if you say something you're going to be focused as the "one who likes to cause trouble"?....
And how about those cashiers who like to talk on the phone when there's an huge line waiting to be attended?...
And how about those people on the bus/subway that thou they know you're carrying a baby and several bags, or that you're 8 months pregnant,and still they look the other way pretending that they don't see you so they don't have to give their sits to you?....
I have experienced all these before, and I can assure you that sometimes I just felt like pulling my hair out!
How about you?What makes you loose your temper?
My daughter (who's six), asking me "Why haven't I gotten her X yet?" when she asked me a minute earlier and I am in the middle of five million things.
The person who pulls out in front of me on the highway from a side road and then proceeds to go 30 mile an hour when I was traveling 55.
Awwww!Thank you sweetie!I love chatting with you too!I'm so grateful to have friends like you! :)
Love ya loads girl! ;)
Hope you have an amazing day!*muack*!!!
Great post Sandra! I have a BIL like that and I totally hate him...we all do. Sounds bad eh, but man this man makes a person wanna smack him.
I think we must be related Sandra because I have a family member just like that too and she is also cliquie with my mother in law also so I also have to keep my mouth shut, but Grrrr she does grate on me!!
As for cashiers on phones or ignorance on public transport, I can not tell you how many times I have ranted about that either.
i hate all those things too. the most aggrivating for me is idiots i come across when im driving. so inconciderate and inpatient
cool post girl. you go!
My kids when they do not listen....errrrrrrr......I don't ask much really I do not...just like you newer post...how hard is it to clean your room...do your homework..keep it down when your brother is sleeping...ugg..yes I need to get out more..haha.. :)
It is crazy to see that Sandra can snap from time to time she is such a sweety!!!
Nice post girl!!!
Unfortunately, there are times that it does not take much to make me snap!!!
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