I received this beautiful award from momaofromance who's blog is called Sex Diaries Of A Mom you should go over to look at her blog you will not be disappointed.She writes some pretty good stuff and some of it is pretty candid.
I need to put the rules here cause we all know you have to have rules it makes the world go round.
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Uber (synonym to Super) Amazing Blog Award is a blog award given to sites who: inspires you, makes you smile and laugh, or maybe gives amazing information, a great read, has an amazing design, and any other reasons you can think of that makes them uber amazing!
The rules of this award are: Put the logo on your blog or post, nominate at least 5 blogs (can be more) that for you are Uber Amazing, let them know that they have received this Uber Amazing award by commenting on their blog, share the love and link to this post and to the person you received your award from.
*end copy here*
So my choices are (not in any special order)Octamom
Lady Banana
Is It Nap Time
Thank you so much Tina! You're always so sweet to me!
Thanks gorgeous! ;)
I'll post it right away!
Love ya!*muack*!
Thank you thank you thank you, I will get it posted!
Thanks for visiting me;) I think you really deserve this award!
than you uber amazing girl x
Congratulations on your award. Love the pink bow...reminds me of my granddaughter.
BTW. Me thinks that fish up there is a pirahna. Keep your hands out of the fish tank, and don't let the guinea pig or any other of your precious pets in the same room. Who knows? He may sprout legs and start roaming the house.
Thanks for the kind words, glad to have passed the award on to you. I've been, and still am a little sick - but will gladly do a guest post. What about, and when? You let me know. I'm gone away Wedn-Fri., so perhaps either before/after that.
Thank you so much for the award...I will post in the next few days...hope your weekend was great! :)
I have it posted!!!
Thanks again!!!
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