Let me see a little info about me
I am a mom of two of the most awesomest kids ever
The boy he is 12 and oh so handsome and I am not just saying that cause I'm his mom he really is quite the looker.
Baby girl she is 7 and oh so beautiful no take my word for it she is breathtaking.
I love love love music it is my passion if I could I would be a musician but unfortunately I can't sing or play an instrument. I can however bust a move when the mood strikes me I'm just saying.
I have been blogging for a little over a year now and have made some really awesome friends. Lately my blogging has been a bit on the slow side but I am slowly getting back into the groove.
I have 2 cats Stinky and Beauty and 1 dog Max 2 fish (no names) I love wildlife all of the furry little critters even the not furry ones. Frogs and toads are my most favorite they are just so cute and squishy. I have a small pool for them to lay their eggs in right now I have hundreds of tadpoles in it just waiting for their legs to grow.
Well I hope that I haven't bored you to death with the details of ME... I hope to see you here again sometime.....
Does Stinky feel inferior at all next to Beauty?
Good to meet you!
We love wildlife at my house, too...anything and everything is worthy of a cuddle, even snakes and toads! We caught a tarantula a while back and even my three year old held it.
Nice to meet you!
Hi. Stopping by all the 8's on the McLinky list! Hope you're enjoying your hopping! K bye :)
Thanks for coming by. So on this blog you have little post all over the place and then you comment on them?? Have a great weekend..
I just hopped over from BlogHop 09. It is nice to "meet" you. We have a fur child at our house too. I love your descriptions of your kids. It is nice to hear someone else that really loves and likes their kids a lot. Especially since your kids are older. Sounds like y'all have a great relationship.
Happy Blogging!
Hoppin' by all the 8's from the bloghop!
I love the names of your cats.
Hope you have a great weekend.
Hi, I am stopping here on my way through the 8s from the BlogHop party! Very nice blog!
Your kids are at wonderful ages.
Just stopping by via the Blog Hop to say hello!
Nice to meet you! I have 2 kids, 1 dog and 3 cats myself.
I would love for you to visit me and comment on my Blog Hop Post: http://www.moodymamasays.com/2009/07/23/top-10-reasons-i-am-excited-to-stay-home-with-my-family-this-coming-weekend/
Nice to meet you. I Have 3 kiddos. 2 boys and a girl. I have two dogs. Stopping by from the blog hop to say hello.
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