Hello and welcome to Through My Eyes Fridays a weekly meme. The idea is simple show the world what you see either out of your window of your house or through the windshield of your car. Take pictures with your camera or your cell phone show us the sky above you or the ground below you.
You can also post videos if that is how you want us to look through your eyes it's up to you.Share pictures of your kids the furry ones or the not so furry ones. Is your desk a mess or is it the most organized thing in your home. What's in your home or out your front door we want to see your world through your eyes.
So I want to tell you how this meme is going to work
1. If you wish to play along please leave a comment here with your blog name so everyone who is playing can come to your blog to take a look.
2. Please use the logo above in your post linking back to this site.
3. Please lets keep things PG rated for all of our family oriented blogs
4. When making your post please use the following sentence
"This is what you see when you look Through My Eyes"
5. Have fun!!!!!

This is what you see when you look through my eyes at my silly kitty. He is so loved in this house he can do no wrong.Even when he is scratching the shit out of my couch or eating the house plants. Look at him sitting here looking all cute and innocent.
He certainly looks comfy! :o)
Mines up too!
hi tina!! :) Mine is up too!! :)
Happy Friday!! LOL!
Your kitty looks sleepyy... :) adorable!
First off, I love the yellow on your blog...it's bright but so cool!
Second, your kitty is adorable...mine too get away with murder...they are cuties too.
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