
Camera Critters

My daughter like bugs and she thought this one was especially cute. I thought it was kind of freaky looking but what do I know! If you would like to see more critters or join yourself go to Camera Critters Meme


Michele said...

WOW... that's a huge bug!! Your daughter looks quite happy and relaxed with that creepy bug! She's adorable!! =)

Ingrid said...

I would be afraid to see it alive, lol ! Horrible !

ratmammy said...

ok.. that's creepy but i guess kids are pretty brave! i'd freak!

Tina said...

yuk! that looks like a horrible freaky little thing. i hate bugs lol

it looks massive on your daughters finger :0

Just a Texas Gal said...

That scares me h=just looking at it! What a brave girl. How neat that he would just be still on her finger. Great!

Birdie said...

That bug is HUGE!

Mom Knows Everything said...

That's a big bug! Wasn't she scared of it? I would be. LOL