
My New Look 2

I wrote last night about my friend Sassy and how she designed my new look. She is looking for feed back so do me a favor and head over to her site to let her know what you think about my new look.Me and Jillybean from Post-It-Place are trying to get her to sell her templates so maybe the more of you who tell her what nice work she does she will actually believe it.

I can't believe how nice people are around here in the blogging world. They offer up help with no expectations of getting something in return. Except maybe some linky love so I am going to send it whenever possible.

I have more to say but right now I have to go and finish getting all my widgets back and that is going to be a long process.

Don't forget to stop by Sassy's place and let her know your thoughts and if you get a chance drop by Jillybeans she has tons of recipes and giveaway's.


Tina said...

of course... i was so mesmerized by your bright new look i didnt realize you lost all your badges and stuff!

good luck x

Tina said...

i forgot to leave a tag for you lol

Mom Knows Everything said...

Blogging friends are the best aren't they! All the bloggers I have met are so nice. :o)

Kmommy said...

I love the new look! And yes, with changing your template - it takes soooo long to do up all your widgets again! I saved mine to notepad, but it still took all day!