
The Game

I have been racking my brain trying to come up with a game we can all play together with some of you being in different time zones and all I think I have come up with something. The game is going to start here on Life In The Lapadula House and from there it is going to take you to different blogs on the blogroll listed here in no particular order this is an example of the blogroll

Music Mondays

Max A Dogs Story

Mummy Diaries

Super Mae

Now on to how this is going to work or how I am hoping it will work. Since some of you are in different time zones I needed to come up with a way for all the game (pieces or clues) to be out around the same time. So I have decided that there is no specific time to have the (pieces or clues) posted but they do need to be up on the same day.

For example let's say Mummy Diaries has a clue that leads to max A Dogs Story there is a time difference. I send Mummy her clue the night before and she has it up by the next day . She can post this clue as soon as she gets it or first thing the next day. Because she is ahead of Max time wise it will show up when Max is ready to do his post in the a.m.

The clues/pieces can be anything from a picture, to a music video telling you where to go next for example:
Life In The Lapadula House has a music video from The Bangles called Manic Monday

This takes me to Music Mondays this is going to be how it is going to be going from blog to blog until you get to the one that has the final clue. The final stop will be a puzzle of some sort like a picture that is all mixed up or a riddle that needs to be solved. Now this game is just for fun and to bring you to new places in the blogging world.There are no prizes just good old fashioned fun and games.

Pieces/clues can be in the bloggers post or hidden somewhere in their blog itself example:
In a sidebar or footer.

This way it keeps it interesting and makes it more fun trying to find that clue. Some of the clues relate to the name of someones blog or something about the bloggers profile so you will have to read someones profile to see if they are where you are supposed to be.

Does this make sense to you?
Does anyone want to add some suggestions?
Have any questions?
Or do you think this game sounds to complicated?
If you have anything you want to say about it let me know I am open for all feedback

Oh yeah I almost forgot anyone who wants to play let me know and if you have more than one blog and you want to use it as well let me know. The more blogs the more fun I believe also if you have any friends who you think would like to play feel free to spread the word.


Mom Knows Everything said...

Sounds like fun! Count me in!

Sandra Carvalho said...

Bring it on!!!!

Renz said...

I'm in too!
